just close your eyes and listen
Theme and Fantasia
This is my first improvisation in Major, and another one is my longest improvisation for now (in Minor, ofc).
3 Themes for a Four​-​Channel Looper
I have new metal box looper and wires and guitar and more metal boxes so I just connect it all and turn it on and start play.
6 themes and improvisations, pt​​.​​2
Another several improvisations for guitar and two loopers. Also I have used freezer Superego+, reverb Astronaut 2, Memory Man Hazzarai and Mel9.
6 themes and improvisations, pt​​.​​1
Several improvisations for guitar and two loopers. Also I have used freezer Superego+, reverb Astronaut 2, Memory Man Hazzarai and Mel9. Melodies are drowning in drone, ambient are dissolving in ambience.
12 slow improvisations for guitar
Live looping with ambient pedalboard, that had growing from track to track. Last one made with only reverse delay, the others recorded with reverberation, looper, freezer and mellotron simulation pedal from EHX.
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